
Si nosotras evas no tuvieramos cabeza (presumible asiento de la razón, tambien presumible), nos veriamos al desnudo de roles y estereotipias?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Let's go Eva - Vamos Eva - Kom Eva

naked in incubation

Dengue (S)

Dengue (D)

meeting (knowing of good and evil means power)

the apple and the temptation

the option (you can choose to be free)

family picture

walk on sunday

naked gives the baby-bottle meal

naked in a settle down comfort

naked and cat

naked with coulored lips powdering her face

naked neighbour takes his little animal for a walk

naked in a trustful chat

naked going upstairs

naked with waistcoat

naked on his way to his executive office

flabby naked

naked into a talk

naked is surprised at a top floor window

naked with disconcerted myopia

from the standard, lapsus

naked in expedite run away from an erotic magazine

naked in love

naked in a thread of...

naked and fish

in-bird naked

ladies' orchestra

naked into vegetal metamosphosis

naked with mustache

sipder naked

naked sitting down

Saturday, November 18, 2006

litic naked is visited by paper's birds

naked stereotype in a terrifying night

naked look at an eclipse

oriental naked running

naked moves forward

naked moves back

naked classifying herself into a role

naked thinks herself as standard

schizophrenic naked fully going on recovery crisis